Scholarship Committee

Duties include... • Creates and outlines a scholarship program offered from the Chamber to select Central High School students for attendance at one of our local community colleges • Recruits representatives from Central High School and the local community colleges to serve on the committee • Designs the scholarship guidelines • Coordinates the scholarship program with Central High School and the local community colleges • Ensures funding of the scholarship • Selects the scholarship recipient • Evaluates and recommends improvements for the scholarship program periodically
Joe Gilgour
Mineral Area College, President
Jeff Williams
Central Methodist University, Site Coodinator
TJ Isgrig
St. Francois Co. Ambulance District, EMS Supervisor/ Paramedic
Joshua Kennon
1st Free Will Baptist Church, Lead Pastor
Brenda Jordan
Prestige Trucking, Inc., Company Operations Manager
Zech Payne
Central R-3 Schools, Associate Superintendent