St. Francois Co. Ambulance District

St. Francois Co. Ambulance District


Ambulance ServicesHealthcare

About Us

St. Francois County Ambulance District covers all 454 sq. miles of St. Francois County Missouri. Established in 1976, it began operations on Sept 15, 1977. The District now covers a population of over 65,000 residents. The District responded to over 12,500 calls in 2011.

There are no less than 6 ambulances on at any time and at peak times there are 7 ambulances on. There are 3 stations that the District operates and responds to calls from.

The District employs 57 full-time employees and a maintenance mechanic. We also employ over 25 part-time Paramedics and EMTs.

St. Francois County has a tiered EMS response system. When a 911 call comes into the dispatch center, they will find out what level of response is needed. If appropriate, first responders are sent from one of our 13 fire departments in the county. An ambulance will be sent from the closest station to the call, when available.

St. Francois County Ambulance District is committed and dedicated to ensuring the best possible EMS treatment is provided to all residents and visitors to St. Francois County.


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Rep/Contact Info

Kristy Halter
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TJ Isgrig
EMS Supervisor/ Paramedic
David Tetrault